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Morning Yoga Practice | Justmom 💕

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Morning Yoga Practice | Justmom 💕.

What is Yoga?
In layman's term, yoga is a kind of exercise that is practiced by somebody who brings a rolled mat at their back. That's what I perceived a few years back then about yoga. What came to my mind about that thing "Yoga is cool" and that's very true. That's why it is practiced for such a long period, 5000 years ago when you google about it. 

Yoga is a five-millennia-old mind and body practice that has changed over time from ancient Indian philosophy. Modern yoga combines physical postures like stretching and poses, breathing techniques, and meditation or relaxation to stimulate inner peace and physical energy.

Ancient yoga was less about physical exercise and more about mental focus and expanding spiritual energy. The Yoga Sutra, now considered to be the definitive guidebook to practicing yoga, came into the practice 2000 years ago.

There are many different types of yoga depending on what people want from it and a person’s current level of physical fitness. However, some people choose to replace conventional treatment for conditions with yoga and this can prevent a person from receiving the necessary care. People with certain conditions, such as sciatica, should approach yoga slowly and with caution. Yoga can help support a balanced and active lifestyle.

Who will practice Yoga?
Everyone can practice Yoga. From children to teenagers to young adults and even elders, everybody can practice Yoga as long as they like it and committed to doing the practice.
Yoga practice is for everyone who seeks inner peace while doing physical fitness anytime and anywhere. 

Where do you practice yoga?
Anywhere, everywhere you can practice yoga. You can do it inside your room, even in bed. Yoga simply requires a small space where you fit in. To change the ambiance of yoga practice, you can do it outdoor as well even on your porch, front yard, back yard, rooftop, living room, in the kitchen area or at the poolside or shoreline, park, everywhere as long as you are comfortable upon doing it. 

When do you practice Yoga?
You can practice yoga daily or at any intervals you like because it's a low-impact exercise. Some will practice yoga 3 to 5 times a week. In my case, I practice Yoga whenever I need it to practice daily sometimes or once a week.

Why do you practice Yoga?
There are many benefits you can have after practicing yoga. 
    1. o Yoga makes you feel better, more open, mindful, and happier. Try it to see it for yourself!
    2. o Yoga can help manage your stress.
    3. o Yoga relaxes you and helps you to sleep well.
    4. o Yoga gives you physical strength and increases flexibility. With constant & consistent practice, this results in toned muscles.
    5. o Yoga aids back pain relief and relaxes arthritis symptoms.
    6. o Yoga makes your heart healthy.
    7. o Yoga promotes self-care.
Morning Yoga Practice | Justmom
How do you practice Yoga?
Now is the best time to roll out your yoga mat and uncover the physical and mental benefits offered by yoga. Yoga is such a beautiful and most accessible exercise that everyone can do. Don't be discouraged by yoga jargons, fancy yoga studios, and complicated yoga poses. You can practice yoga anytime, anywhere you want it to be. Yoga is for everybody. 
Here are the 10 building blocks of yoga poses. These 10 yoga poses are a complete yoga exercise. Move slowly through each pose and breathe as you move. Pause after any pose when needed and start again when your breathing returns to normal. The idea is to hold each pose for a few, slow breaths before moving on to the next pose.

10 Yoga Poses You Need To Practice
  1. 1. Child's Pose
  2. 2. Downward-Facing dog
  3. 3. Plank Pose
  4. 4. Four-limbed staff pose
  5. 5. Cobra Pose
  6. 6. Tree Pose
  7. 7. Triangle Pose
  8. 8. Seated Half-Spinal Twist Pose
  9. 9. Bridge Pose
  10. 10. Corpse Pose
Here's my Morning Yoga Practice that I've saved at the infinity pool of a beach resort on one of our family trips at the North of Cebu.